Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Earth Hour 2008

Earth Hour 2008


Created to take a stand against the greatest threat our planet has ever faced, Earth Hour uses the simple action of turning off the lights for one hour to deliver a powerful message about the need for action on global warming.

About Earth Hour On March 31 2007, for one hour, Sydney made a powerful statement about the greatest contributor to global warming – coal-fired electricity – by turning off its lights. Over 2.2 million Sydney residents and over 2,100 businesses switched off, leading to a 10.2% energy reduction across the city. What began as one city taking a stand against global warming caught the attention of the world.

In 2008, 24 global cities will participate in Earth Hour at 8pm on March 29. Earth Hour is the highlight of a major campaign to encourage businesses, communities and individuals to take the simple steps needed to cut their emissions on an ongoing basis. It is about simple changes that will collectively make a difference – from businesses turning off their lights when their offices are empty, to households turning off appliances rather than leaving them on standby.

地球時間 60 分鐘


這是一個去年在雪梨參與的活動. 目的是藉由省電來降低green house gas 的產生量. 能有效的幫助地球放慢暖化速度.

去 年三月31日見證了一場雪梨的奇景. 除了路燈以外, 雪梨tower , 歌劇院, 雪梨大橋, 快要百年沒息過的Coca-cola 標誌, 加上兩千一百個公司全部在晚上8點到9點息燈節約能源. 雪梨市在所有見證人的讚嘆跟歡呼聲中暗了下來. 在這一個小時裡, 兩百萬個家庭也跟著熄燈, 不管是出門還是小小休息一小時. 澳洲成功的在這一個小時結省了雪梨市區 10% 的能源消耗. 這相當於我們少了四萬八千輛車.

因這澳洲雪梨結約能源行動. Earth Hour 地球時間被國際新聞相繼的報導引起世界各地的興趣一起參與. 所以今年3月29日(4天後) Earth Hour 行動擴展到全世界. 藉由大家一起簡單的關燈一個小時, 讓我們再次見證我們有能力來幫助地球, 也能幫助我們自己.

這 個WWF的活動沒有中文網頁. 相信在台灣也沒報導. 但是不希望因為認何的語言障礙阻礙了我們愛地球的心. (更何況這是一次實際的行動, 而不是一個口號).

想加入的人可以藉由http://www.earthhour.org/user/EKmd 一起報名參加. 其實報名也只是好玩的, 主要是請記得在3月29日晚上8~9點關燈. 真實的大家一起來結節省能源.

WWF - World Wild Life 世界野生動物保育組織 http://www.wwf.org/