Thursday, July 31, 2008


taken from here
it's a very nice article regarding to photography.
that is why i like photography.

有正當的興趣是件好事,如果你的朋友,平常是一位不愛運動,懶的運動的人,當他喜歡上攝影時,他就會改變他的生活習慣,因為攝影常常要背著,重重的攝影器 材上山下海,一天的運動量一定夠。喜歡攝影的人,內心總是喜歡自由的生活,不想被現實環境所束縛,有可能他自己不善於用言語,來表達他內心的想法與感受, 並藉著攝影的影像來傳達或疏發,想要告訴外界他內心真正的想法。

初學者在攝影的過程中,可以學到很多東西,右眼-觀察被攝物(拍攝主題),左眼-觀察週遭環境的變化,學習如何掌控,拍攝環境的氛圍,拍一張照片,並不是 一般人,所想的那麼簡單,要考慮的事情是有很多,而且當下就要做出選擇與判斷,很多拍攝時機,機會只有一次,沒有辦法一再重來的。


如:哪裡是最佳的攝影位置?其拍攝角度為何?順光拍還是逆光拍?逆光拍有沒有特別的意義?需要對被攝物補光嗎?要決定光圈先決?還是快門先決呢?拍攝環境 如果很遭的話,自己所帶的攝影器材能勝任嗎?如不能,有沒有別的辦法,或者犧牲任何一項攝影條件,硬把他拍下來,照片洗出來後,再看看有沒有達到當時,自 己預期的效果嗎?


以上所述是對每一個業餘或專業攝影的基本工,當你一拿起相機,這些事就會困擾著攝影者,灰之不去,攝影一定要一項一項把它的解決,多動腦是攝影的好處,養 成多【觀察、判斷、決定、實驗、成熟、負責】等事物,可以改變一個人,處世的態度。以前你朋友,可能對任何事務,都漠不關心,自從迷上攝影後,他開始關心 在台灣拍攝現場,怎麼需要避掉那麼多雜物,台灣的環境怎麼那麼髒,從靜物、人像、風景、生態、人文記實、環保議題等攝影領域,一路走來他會從漠不關心,到 積極的維護,只取影像其餘不取,對攝影者也是一種成長。

每張照片拍出來,都不可能一樣,有很多外在的因素變化,攝影作品有它一定的原創性,興趣不等於職業,但好過職業,因為職業者拍的照片,會減少它的藝術成 分,太匠器了,你朋友存的錢都去買一些攝影器材,省吃儉用都是為了,要拍出達到自己理想境界的照片,我告訴你攝影器材固然重要,但攝影者拍攝的心意,才攝 影是真正本質。



二. 攝影器材流行時期-這些攝影者認為,擁有最新的攝影器材,就擁有高超的攝影技術,這個觀念很難改觀,從以前的機械式、半自動、全自動相機、到現在的數位畫 相機都一樣,全是攝影器材廠商灌輸的觀念,與攝影者技術本位補償的心理作用,買最新器材,就能拍出最好的照片,這樣無知的觀念延燒至今。







Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My New Pet

new pet new pet!!
Name: Cai Cai
Variety: Unknown
Ages: Unknown
Color: Black with brownie feet
Special Characteristic: Long Tongue, Big Ears, Hyperactive and Braveness (do not afraid to other doggies)

dunno why give this name, maybe it's 1 pair, sooner or later will bring them together, the other female shud name as lui lui gua? haha.... super active doggie
reason why to adopt new pet is because recently many robbery around my living place, for safety purposes... hehe

Monday, July 28, 2008

Youth Park

i suppose to start prepare my exam. but still not in study mood yet
after breakie at Tou Chun roti bakar, passed through youth park and take sum photos...

MIFC 2008

oh... here they come again
malaysia international fireworks competition.
this is begin from 12th of August til 29th of August
team Malaysia, China, Canada, Spain and Australia (champion of MIFC 2007)

some things to share
i still remember last year when i was there to see the performance of japan team, if not mistaken and it's on our national day eve, 30th.
the performance suppose to start by 9pm but it's not, it's start after 12am... sweat
so.. this year no schedule on 30th d... yeah...

last year still using my digital compact camera to record the movie clip and capture the photos of the fireworks. this year can be much better becos can play with my new toy (20mins for train up my skill) .... and at same time record with my old toy.
wow... wahaha... so happy once think of it... cant wait for the day

still got 2 more weeks to go.... to end my study life....
start study for the last battle d... no wait, no waste!

Saturday, July 26, 2008



Kapitan Mosque
Songkok, 回教徒的信帽
Khoo Kongsi, 邱氏公祠


Friday, July 25, 2008



Thursday, July 24, 2008


finally finished my project poster presentation...
now is time to relax and start by next week need to have HELL kind of Training.. AGAIN like last semester....
this is my final semester and also the end of my college and U life.... there is no more exam, assignments, reports for me... hmm... atleast coming year? maybe months la...
today presentation is quite smooth going anyway,
first is my principal, next is diploma programme head and follow by assurance manager.... then only have the official presentation.... omg.. all throw me the same question. i repeated the same answer many many times... LOL....
one thing i remember is i havent finish explain watever i written in poster, my examiners ask me have demo first.. err... ok, i feel more confident in demostrate instead of speech. wahahaha...
one thing really scared me is the connector drop off when i move my crane to the room. lucky one of my friend did brought the extra component and i replace it to my project.... really banyak banyak terima kasih to him, eric koh.
now is damn tired..... -.-
sleep? yes!!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


why i am here blogging for nothing just because i see the wrong timetable.... i am so sleepy, wtf... but i cant sleep, nervous, tmr is day of battle. aiks. wat am i talking about.... closing eyes and listening to songs.... stupid me. SLAP

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Botanical Garden

last week somebody told me botanical garden, penang can catch birdie photos. ok, since i am free for outing, i decided to go alone and have a look over but unfortunately, i saw 2 birdie flying here and there, have no chance to walk close toward them... how to take photos wor.... ok lo, end up i shot sumthing else... i got dragon fly, butterfly, grasshopper which look like leaf, bees, fa fa chou chou but no bird.... why he wan bluff me.... u know how the feeling take photo under sun and stand there for few minutes just to wait one shutter? jackson, lu ai tiok liao.....

this dragon fly is shameless, it pose like model, let u shot as close as possible. SONG nya, but i dont have macro lens or convertor, these what the best i able to capture. crop a bit out of cause..

butterfly, hmm... ISO 400 showing some noisy photo...

that all, FULL STOP.



Sunday, July 20, 2008


finally completed all my assignment, reports and homework... but still 1 more to go on this coming thursday, Final Year Project Presentation and Demonstration.
sorry to say that i already try my best to adjust the speed, it work fine, but a bit overspeed.. haha
now is time to start prepare the slide... here is the example... from our senior, Mr. Lee

final battle..... after battle? wars.....

this is my poster.... kinda big file....

Bon Adori 2008 at Esplanade, Penang