today... after lunch time, i went to Queensbay mall to get the Strategy Planning related text book from one of my friend who working there... so... after some talk with her, i have a better idea on how to do better for Koay's assignment.... the title is Toyota Motor Corporation Strategy Planning. might change to Proton since proton got much more thing to criticism, the SWOT, PEST and value chain of proton motor... haha.. agree?? as compare to toyota.. but still long way to go with the assignment report...
back to the point, after discussion... i follow the coastal express way to go back my house. that time i thinking whether want to go butterworth just to purchase a new Touch n' Go card.. then.. i leave the fate to a lorry since i following the lorry.... if the lorry direct to butterworth i will follow, or else back home....
ok.... now lorry has make the decision for me... when reach the butterworth PBSB office, i realize that i bring not enough money.. min credit is rm100 and rm10 for new purchase... omg!!! i got 80++ that time....
too bad... no choice, the cashier ask me... besok datang lagi la... besok baru beli..
!!! geram nya... boh huat.... no choice, this is fate? now is time to patah balik.... dont follow the signboard. it will bring u to holland as i follow the sign board which written.. U turn to penang island georgetown.... it bring me to PRAI Free Industrial Zone... 10min to make a U turn... and nwo i need to pay the bridge pass fee.. RM7... i remember last time got 1 way can turn back without paying 1 cent.....
when reach penang island, the fuel running low.... rm100 for fuel.... haiz....
tomolo will be better?
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Today is wednesday, Black Wednesday
Wednesday, June 25, 2008